"Theo, I must again recommend that you start smoking a pipe. It does you a lot of good when you’re out of spirits, as I quite often am nowadays. "
The Hague, 17 March 1873
My dear Theo,
It’s time you heard from me again, and I’m also longing to hear how you are and how Uncle Hein is doing, so I hope you’ll write to me when you can find the time.
You’ll have heard that I’m going to London, and probably very soon.1 I do hope we’ll be able to see each other before then.
I’ll go to Helvoirt at Easter2 if I possibly can, but it will depend on the nouveautés that Iterson takes along on his trip.3 I won’t be able to leave 1v:2 until he gets back.
Life in L. will be very different for me, for I’ll probably have to live alone in lodgings, and will therefore have to deal with many things that I needn’t trouble myself with now.
I’m looking forward to seeing L. very much, as you can imagine, and yet I’m sorry to have to leave this place. I’m only just noticing how attached I am to The Hague, now that it’s been decided I must go away. Still, it can’t be helped, and I intend not to take things too hard. I think it’s wonderful for my English, which I understand well, though I don’t speak it nearly as well as I’d like.4 1v:3
How is Uncle Hein? Certainly no better, and how is Aunt doing? Can Uncle keep himself occupied, and is he in a lot of pain? Give them my warm regards, I think of them so often.
How is business with you? It must be busy, as it is here. You probably know your way around by now.
How is your boarding-house? Is it still to your liking? That’s important. Above all, you must write more about the kind of things you see. Sunday a fortnight ago I was in Amsterdam to see an exhibition of the paintings going to Vienna from here.6 It was very interesting, and I’m curious 1r:4 as to the impression the Dutch will make in Vienna.
I’m very curious about the English painters, we see so little of them, because almost everything stays in England.
Goupil has no gallery in London; they only supply the trade.7
Uncle Cent is coming here at the end of the month, I’m longing to hear more from him.
The Haanebeeks and Aunt Fie8 ask after you constantly, and send you their regards.
What wonderful weather we’ve been having, I’m taking advantage of it as much as I can. Last Sunday I went rowing with Willem.9 How much I’d have liked to stay here this summer, but we must take things as they come. And now, adieu, I wish you well, and write to me. Bid good-day to Uncle and Aunt, Schmidt and Eduard from me.10 As to Easter, I’m just hoping. Ever,
Your loving brother
Mr and Mrs Roos and Willem also send you their regards.
I just received your letter, for which I thank you. I’m very pleased with the portrait, it turned out well. If I hear anything more about my trip to Helvoirt I’ll write to you immediately. It would be nice if we could arrive on the same day. Adieu.
Theo, I must again recommend that you start smoking a pipe. It does you a lot of good when you’re out of spirits, as I quite often am nowadays.
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